YTB or Traverus or World Ventures
YTB or Traverus or World Ventures
I have to agree, Expensive programs are good to sell if you have access to a large list of leads. Its a numbers game. But I guarantee I can find MORE people a lot quicker selling a 119.00 dollar program than a 500 dollar one. Has nothing to do with the product as Travel is just that about price. Most of the people who market on the internet and are successful selling big ticket items have LARGE LIST of subscribers. Its a number game. If you are selling a 500 product you are going to have to make a lot more exposures to get people to join.
I agree with Pastor Brewer Why pay $500 for something when you can get the same product for $119. The remaining $380 can be used to fund marketing , a nice gift for the spouse, or to help a family member get started in business as well. I am informed because I have researched both businessess and find I get more ROI from the $119 travel business in terms of business growth potential and compensation. Check it out for yourself - David
David- I thought that you were with YTB. What happened -Paulette
I believe David may have saw what I did. A program that can help more people succeed and build a downline with a $100 product VS a $500.00 Also this company Stared in Nov of 06. Also Traverus has a True CTA Certified Travel agent relationship vs YTB RTA Referring Travel Agent relationships.
Pastor Brewer
YTB Or Traverus